Post-summit Workshop:

Creating a Sustainable Life as an Agent of Change: Balancing One's Inner and Outer Life, Preventing Burnout, and Maintaining Hope

Suzanne Arms

Monday March 31, 9am to Noon ($60)

This workshop will be conducted in the form of a circle, limited to 20 participants.

When working for societal change--whether at the personal, community, societal, or global level--there are many challenges besides the fact that you may not be paid well or appreciated for what you are doing.

Perhaps the greatest risks are the tendency to work beyond our physical and emotional limits, to disregard our body/mind's need for balance and even healing, and to forget our basic need for community and spiritual connection.

Presenter Suzanne Arms has been working as a fulltime independent and self-sustaining advocate and activist for societal and personal change since 1965, when she became involved in the peace movement to end the war in Vietnam. After that, she became involved in the anti-nuclear movement.

Since 1975 her focus has been the primal phase of life--from pre-conception through the first year after birth--and its long-term impact on each one of us, as well as on families, communities and society at large. She was a childcare worker, then nursery school teacher and head teacher in one of the country's first Head Start Programs. Her personal journey includes long-term therapeutic work to heal early trauma, dance, yoga, and meditation as well as seeding circles in various parts of the world.