Post-summit Workshop:

Stretching the Bounds of What's Possible: Being with Babies in Transformational Ways

Wendy Anne McCarty, PhD

Monday March 31, 1:30pm to 4:30pm ($60)

Many people are familiar with the prenatal and perinatal psychology perspective that babies are conscious and aware from the beginning. But what does that really mean in terms of relating to babies and being with babies on a daily basis? Many have begun talking to their babies. But there is so much more. When we bring consciousness into our models and recognize the ability of babies, both in the womb and in the world, to comprehend, respond, and expressive themselves meaningfully, a level of transformation is available from the beginning of their lives.

In this workshop, participants will learn specific ways to relate to babies in transformational ways and will view videos of babies portraying their meaningful communication at complex levels. Implications of incorporating these ways of being with babies into the understanding of self-regulation and attachment theory will be addressed.

