Post-summit Workshop:
Lessons from around the World: Parenting in Peaceful
Charlotte Peterson,
Monday March 31, 9am to Noon ($60)
My beliefs on how to parent have been continually challenged, and
revised during the past thirty years, due to lessons learned from
around the world. I have traveled to more than 60 countries observing
mother-infant interactions and parent-child relationships. My main
focus for the past 15 years has been on parenting practices in
cultures that strive to be nonviolent. What type of parenting helps
children become generous, compassionate, and peace-loving people?
In this workshop, I will provide information, stories, and visual
representations of:
- Parenting practices throughout the world
- Infant nurturing practices that seem universal among
indigenous cultures
- Traditions for welcoming newborns in the Balinese and Tibetan
- An intimate look at how children are revered and cared for in
a Balinese village
- Rituals throughout childhood which help children feel
cherished and build self-esteem
- Extended family support which is crucial to growing healthy
families and happy children
- Governmental assistance in other countries that helps support
parental attachment