VenueSummit2 will be held at the beautiful Mount Madonna Center for the Creative Arts and Sciences (445 Summit Road, Watsonville, CA 95076). The Center is a community designed to nurture the creative arts and the health sciences within a context of personal and spiritual growth. Located on 355 mountaintop acres of redwood forest and grassland overlooking all of Monterey Bay, the Center offers a supportive atmosphere for relaxation and reflection. Mount Madonna serves wholesome vegetarian meals. Accommodation options range from camping to single rooms with bath (see below). Driving directions (use Yahoo or MapQuest at your own risk). TuitionTuition for Summit2 is $395 until February 15, 2004. ($445 thereafter). Until Jan 1, 2004, a deposit of $100 will hold your place (balance due March 30, 2004). Room and Meal CostsAll options include nine vegetarian meals and are separate from tuition costs.
Work-ScholarshipsPlease contact us if you need a work-scholarship, which will reduce your tuition to $225. You will be asked to help with setup or cleanup either before or after the event, as well as help out with tasks between sessions. None of these should interfere with your full participation in the sessions. (Note: You may also find that money is available in your own community, through governmental agencies, organizations, or individuals to support you and several others to come from your community, especially if you represent a minority or underserved group.) ChildrenBecause aTLC recognizes the fundamental importance of attachment and feels the inclusion of parents' voices is critical to this Summit, babies and children are welcome. Due to the think-tank nature of the sessions, participants accompanied by a little one should be considerate of others and be prepared to leave a session if their child becomes disruptive. Participants with children in attendance may want their partners/friends to take primary responsibility for the children during the day--on or off campus. There are lots of fun things for kids to do in Santa Cruz and environs. The Santa Cruz Boardwalk is world famous and there is a steam train trip available as well. Depending on the number of children expected, we will organize cooperative daycare among parents and if needed, arrange to bring in extra help for a small fee). © 1999-2004 by The Alliance for Transforming the Lives of Children 901 Preston Ave., Suite 400, Charlottesville, VA 22903-4491 All rights reserved. aTLC is a 501(c)(3) educational organization supported by your donations info@atlc.org Disclaimer ![]() |
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